Service is friendly as is the warm atmosphere. It is a simply furnished long room with a bar along one side, bare brick walls featuring an attractive impressionistic, almost three dimensional painting of the restaurant. They have a menu that changes daily. Appetizers were tiny

I love red snapper...
Will you two be travelling through Seattle?
Looks like what the menu meant was strawbbery shortcake! Hopefully it was still good, if unexpected... :P
Hi KS,
We won't get to Seattle this trip but might make it next year. As for red snapper we have heaps of it in Oz but it seemed to taste better here.
Hi Hannah,
It wasn't actually shortcake either but who can go past strawberries and cream!
Elliot I had whole baby schnapper at Lamaro's in Albert Park yesterday. It was dry. As usual.
Have we over rated this fish?
Your trip has been fabulous.
Thank you for sharing with us
I think Red Snapper an excellent fish BUT it must not be overcooked and also, as with all fish, the fresher t6he better.
This was a great trip but somehow we got to be so busy it was not possible to keep up with everything. There is at least one German place we want to write up also two or three others in Philadelphia. I guess we'll get to them soon but they will be some what abbreviated.
Glad you are enjoying the blog. We hope it will become more entertaining, interesting and fun as we get better at it
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