When we were seated and remarked on the splendour of the room
the waiter assured us that the food would match it and the service would be exemplary and it was indeed faultless
An amuse bouche before the meal was a pretty presentation of squash three ways, as a biscuit, as a lokum with date and as a mousse. It was sweet and flavoursome with a slightly pumpkin like taste.
Translucent shredded cod with olive oil had a garlic which had been deep fried and filled with petal shaped potato with vinegar and water cress. A simple set of ingredients that blended perfectly to make a delicate dish. The cod quite wonderful, So simple, so good.
Wild sea bass came next with fricassee of potatoes and black truffle in a jus. This is an exceptionally fine fish at any time but could not have been better than this.
As with all the dishes a waitress brings them on a large tray from which two waiters take them and bring them to the table in unison. If they are covered the waiters the raise the covers simultaneously revealing the food. If one leaves the table before finishing a dish a waiter quickly appears, provides a fresh napkin and covers the dish again until you return!
Fillet of milk fed lamb with fresh herbs, cutlet with sweet peppers and black pudding. Cooked as requested the lamb was what can only be obtained from the best butchers. Another distinguishing feature of all these dishes has been the jus. In every case it has been light and flavour some and formed part of the dish rather than dominating it as happens very often even in very good restaurants at times. Mashed potato, creamy and smooth came separately.
Thin tartlet of Parmiggiano Reggiano, riquette salad mixed with taggiasche black olives. Comments would be superfluous. I do not usually care for the taste of olives but here, again, nothing was dominant and the parts were greater than the whole.
Truly the best lunch either of us has ever had.
Score:19.5 /20
Was that the $320 set menu?
so so wonderful of you both to share this with us...
Was that your best meal... EVER?
Best regards John
Hi John
That was indeed the $325 set menu which is the one they serve at night too.
I think it probably was the best meal Sandra or I have ever had although the meal we had at Alinea a few years ago, was outstanding but in a different style. This meal was very much a French meal showing it's heritage and reminding us of the history of French cuisine from Careme and Escoffier rather than the modern movement expressed by Feran Adria and others.
Great comment.
Hi John
You're very flattering, what can I say!
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