Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Table 8 (Mulia Resort Nua Da Bali) 11/2018

Mulia  is a very fancy resort hotel in Bali distinguished by swathes of marble, huge foyers, 
and grand staircases.
modern decor, 
quality shops and high prices.
They have a few restaurants, on particularly noted for the prodigious variety of Chinese dishes available.
It's a simple place with a large u shaped counter stacked with every kind of meat, seafood and desserts you could want for.
Tables are almost bare
set with show plates, cutlery and chop sticks
Decor is simple
It's a smorgasbord arrangement with dozens of dishes.

and chefs cooking some of the fresh seafood.
Of coutse there are desserts too

 For all it's sophistication there is a blackboard at the entrance describing their dim sum.

 Ultimately the food is plentiful, fresh and potentially fantastic but it simply isn't fantastic. Good sure but it doesn't quite cut it for me as an excellent restaurant. The chef's got mixed up too.
Lastly it's expensive
Score: 14/20

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