Thursday, December 15, 2016

Tigris (Pest, Budapest) 12/2016

About 160 years ago when the hotel Tigris was built it was the premier accommodation in Budapest. The restaurant, of the same name, is a specialist foie gras and goose restaurant, although there was only one goose dish on the menu. It has a feature 150 year old bar
but otherwise the decor is simple and modern.

with simple table settings

The chef offered us a small amuse bouche, a bite of terrine with a small biscuit

They do have a variety of presentations of foie gras and we both chose their selection which included a foie gras in duck fat, a foie gras mousse, a chocolate coated foie gras, a truffle foie gras and a creamed foie gras , caramelised in a semi sphere separated by some palate cleansing thick conserves and candied pecan nuts. I would have liked some seared foie gras on the plate but what was served was absolutely fantastic. I loved them all with a slight bias toward the truffle which was outstanding for me, although Sandra preferred the chocolate wheel. Unfortunately I only got an exceptionally poor pic of this dish.

We did especially enjoy a fine Tokay with the foie gras

We both ordered the goose leg which was presented under a silver cloche.

presented on a bed of potato

One of the most renowned desserts in Hungary is the Dobos cake. Here they presented us with a unique version with no resemblance to the traditional cake, a sort of chocolate mousse cake. 

Score: 14/20 but the foie gras was worth 18/20!!

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