Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Few of My Favourite Things

Here are the main things the Restauranteurs/chefs wanted to see more of in 2008:
A decent size serve - enough to taste the components of a dish
The rise of Merlot and Reisling
A greater role for hosts - residential style dining in restaurants
Jamon Iberica
Creativity with vegetables
and one that specially appealed to me
More marijuana smoking before dinner - improves the appetite and the takings!


What they've had enough of:
The term 'Celebrity chef'
Salt on chocolate
The expression 'Molecular' gastronmy/cooking or whatever
Waste and the use of non renewable resources
Chemicals, Foams, Degustation menus
Bottled water
Restaurants with 120 seats! or more.
I would add to that list waiters who ask what you would like to drink before you've had time to look at the drinks menu and waiters who presume to comment, uninvited, on your menu choices with meaningless compliments like 'excellent choice' sir!
Any more suggestions?

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