Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Questions and Answers to the Inaugural Bloggers BBQ Quiz

The Inaugural Bloggers BBQ Quiz 12/11/2007

`1. Name a (different) restaurant at which each of these chef’s work
Paul Prudhomme
Susan Spicer
2. What is Emeril’s family name
3. Who designed the toque
4. Of whom did Wilhelm 2nd say “I am the Emperor of the Germans you are the Emperor of the Chefs”
5. Who introduced the style of eating to the French known as ‘Service a la Russe’
6. What is that?
7. Careme classified sauces into 4 groups. What were they
8. Escoffier added another what was it
9. What is a Bouchon
10. What does Nebbiolo mean
11. In what area, supposedly, are the best Nebbiolo grapes grown
12. Name 5 different sorts of French restaurant
13. True or false
Horse radish and Wasabi are really the same plant
Careme studied architecture in his spare time
Majoram, oregano basil and sage are part of the mint family
14. In cooking what does ‘macerate’ mean
15. What is/are
Rocky Mountain Oysters
16. Name 3 fruits commonly found in Egyptian burial chambers.
17. Where did the wild cacoa tree come from
18. Where does coffee come from originally
19. Bael leaves are used as a vegetable in Thailand and a seasoning in Indonesia What are they used for in India.
20. Which well known restaurant reviewer acknowledged that he did not know that Shandong was a province of China.
Lastly the famous question for a bonus of zero marks
21. How many holes in a crumpet
One mark for every correct answer or part there of. Maximum score 39
Highest scoring blogger wins a bottle of wine courtesy of
The author of which will be the sole arbiter however correspondence is welcome!!
Name and contact details

Good luck
The winner of the quiz was Neil from At My Table

1. K-Pauls Louisianna Kitchen
Bayona, Herbsaint, Cobalt
2. Lagasse
4. Escoffier
5. Attributed to both Careme and Escoffier!
6. Eating one course at a time
7. Allemande = Hollandaise, Bechamel, Veloute Espagnole
8. Tomato
9. A type of French restaurant
10. Little fog
11. Piedmonte
12. Restaurant
13. False
14. To marinate usually fruit in alcohol or liqueur to soften and absorb taste
15. a) Poppy seed
b) a Mexican fruit
c) a fruit related to the avocado
d) a soup usually beetroot or cabbage based
e) a spice like garum masala
f) Fertilised duck or chicken eggs near maturity cooked live
g) Bulls testicles
16. Dates, Sycamore figs (not the usual ones) olives, pomegranates persea
17. Yemen
18. Brazil
19. Placed at the feet of the Goddess Shiva on a special festival
20. He who shall be nameless
21. Aw c’mon


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Great quiz. I'll check for another.

  2. A tough quiz too. Dare I say there were a few things I'd never heard of (not Shandong). I must admit the crumpet question gave me the most pause for thought until I realised the answer the yesterday arvo.

  3. That was one tough quiz, thanks for doing it, great to meet you, but I still can't work out where we met, too many dead brain cells!!!

  4. Hi Gobbler
    That's encouraging I might post another one in a while but not so difficult. Because of the i'net it's not possible to have prizes
    Hi Ed
    I had no idea where to pitch the questions and it turned out to be a bit esoteric. There's some weird stuff out there!
    Hi Neil
    You've won a bottle of Craneford 2004 Granache Sry May only be 92 or 93 Parker points!
    How am i going to get it to you?

  5. I can swing by one day by arrangement, my email is on my site on the right hand side. I live in St Kilda but get around a bit, just let me know, Thanks for the prize, that's awesome!!!

  6. Hi Elliot, it was great to meet you and your wife at the Blogger's Banquet.

    It was a great idea to have a quiz, but I think you pitched to the wrong audience. I hardly knew any answers at all. It's way too hard for me, without the help of Google anyway.

    Is the answer to "how many holes in a crumpet" zero. Those dimple things aren't holes since they don't go all the way through? Please let me out of my misery and tell me the answer. :-)

  7. Elliot!!

    It's taken me all week to get back to you!! ("Elvis" has been warking me hard!)

    a delight to meet you and Mrs Elliot on Monday!!!

    We must play again, soon!!!

  8. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Hi You'all
    I've just got back from a weekend in Sydney (Bekki, Becasse and Bistro Moncur for the second time
    It was GREAT to meet you all at the BBQ Only sorry I didn't get to chatting with more of you and for longer.
    I live in St.Kilda and will email you. Should be easy
    That was one of those silly questions like how many dimples on a golf ball that no one is expected to answer but I love your clear sighted answer. If ever there was one that would be it
    The pleasure was ours
    You seem to have organized your life wonderfully 'Elvis' not withstanding

  9. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Sry Beppi not Bekki
