Saturday, April 07, 2007

Blakes Feast at Malthouse

Introduction: In the foyer and adjacent room at the Malthouse at 113 Sturt St. Southbank.
Ambience: An open casual unpretentious area. Pre theatre it is always crowded
Service: Order at the counter - menu on the blackboard, take a number to identify your table. Pick up a knife fork and spoon, salt and pepper. Popular things run out quiote early. Food is delivered promptly.
Food: Basic. A soup of the day. Pies,

quiches, casseroles, chicken cachiatore now $18, and a variety of salads. Tastes better than it looks however the minestrone soup for $12 was a bit expensive. Could best be described as cafeteria food- reasonably substantial and tasty. I had no complaints about the pumpkin soup with ginger ($9) the beef and mushroom pie with salad ($10) or the beef and mushroom casserole on rice with a glass of house wine ($18)
A range of cup cakes and biscuits available
Coffee at the bar ($2) or glass or pot ($4) of fancy tea
Wine Quaffing house wine ($5) by the glass is more than reasonable

Price: Good value

Comments: Very good for a meal before the theatre. Things often run out so best to come a bit early.

Score: 13.5/20

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